Staying in shape can be hard, but it's better to get in shape now, than worring about it in the summer. Even if you are in shape, many people tend to ge very unhealthy in the summer while eating many delecasies, so you should get more in shape to balance the extra calories that you may intake without knowing.
Try motivating yourself by
- Finding a workout buddy
- Rewarding yourself everytime you get closer to your goal
- Imagine yourself as a model or movie star, then work toward looking like one
- Join a workout class/ get a trainer ( This will force you to exercise rather than skipping out )
- Take pictures of yourself so you can track your progress and SEE the difference
- Buy a pretty yoga mat ( yoga mats can come in various colors and designs, making you want to use them more! They are great to use for streching, and sit ups)
Now that you're motivated to see the new you, what are some ways you can exercise without getting bored, lazy or actually thinking you're exercising? Many people always suggest to exercise when you are watching television during the comercials and all of that, but that personally doesn't work for me. If it works for you, go for it! If not, try jump roping! Lots of stores sell "professional" jump ropes in their fitness areas and jumping rope can get you to burn calories yet feel like a little kid! Jump roping is also very good for cardio vascular endurance and on average, you can burn 11 calories a minute! That's about as much you would burn in an 8 mile run! How does jumproping sound now? Not so babyish right? Another great way to get flat abs is to do crunches! Crunches, ( or sit ups) apply pressure to the abdominal area, strengthening it and over consistent repetition, creating a six pack look.

Healty and Tasty Foods
- Pop Chips - Pop chips, come in many flavors like regular chips, but aren't fried with fatty oil, and are all natural
- Carrots with ranch- Although carrots are a great snack to munch on and are extremly healthy, some people don'tenjoy their taste. An easy way to make carrots taste great is todip them in alittle bit of ranch dressing. This makes the carrots a good snack and tasty. Be sure to only use a little ranch other wise it could be unhealthy.
- Berries- Berries are naurally sweet and their size makes them a great on the go snack! Because there are so many different types of berries, you always have variety! From tangy, sour raspberries to sweet strawberries, they are like nature's little bites!
- Grapes & Raisins- Grapes, just like berries are a great bite size to-go snack and dried up grapes (raisins) are like nature's candy. When you crave something sweet, instead of snacking on sugary processed foods, grab a hanfull of raisins!
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