Uggs are fahionable sheepskin boots that keep you both comfy and warm in the winter. Though uggs are very popualr now, their name actually came from the word ugly! Are they actually ugly? That's up to you! Uggs come in various designs and are actually quite expensive. Uggs are designed for comfort, not for style, though some may argue.
Bearpaws like uggs, are made of sheepskin. They look about the same as uggs and are actually cheaper! The main difference between these boots is that their soles are made of different materials. The main question is if the sole material makes a difference. Bearpaws are also outselling uggs on amazon!
Which one is better?
Both bearpaw and uggs are beautiful boots and they are extremly popular! Now, you can vote for which one is better and see who wins! Click on the link below to vote and be sure to come back and see the results!
Where can I get them?
By now you hve probably decided which boots you think are better and are dying to buy some! Well, you are in luck! Below are two links where you can buy either boot! What are you waiting for? Start clicking!
Buy Uggs!
Buy Bearpaw!
Top 10 Boots of the season!

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