Sunday, November 11, 2012



What does it do?

          Concealer is a form of make up that is used to make your skin tone appear even and blemish free. Concealer is commonly mistaken with foundation and though both products make your skin tone even, foundation cannot cover up blemishes. Concealer is available in a wide range of skin tones, from fair to dark. When buying concealer try to get a shade that is closest to your skin tone. Click here to see a list of the top concealers and prices. 

How to Hide Acne

            Concealer like any make up comes in many forms and it is up to you to decide which one you like best. Though concealer can make your skin appear flawless, you should make sure you do not get allergic reactions to it, especially if you have sensitive skin. Concealer isn't for everyone. It is up to you if you want to cover up your acne, or to leave it alone. If you want to get rid of your blemishes all together instead of covering them up, them try using Proactive

Don't forget to check out the gown of the week on my blog and enter the contest!   

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and this post! :) People say that Concealer is the most important beauty product to hide your acne. Be a member on my blog-
    -Angela :)
